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USP Accepts Donations <TO DONATE – CLICK HERE>

Social Media Site: https://www.facebook.com/UnifiedSportsmenOfPennsylvania

WALTER & MARY’S – Ice Fishing Derby

FEBRUARY 01, 2025 at 8AM to 3PM <click for flyer>

Sinnemahoning Sportsmen’s Club Raffle drawing

<2024 Raffle Winners>

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE FEB 2024 – from the desk of Blaine Toy

<Click Here>


<click here for details>

When the Sunday Hunting Bill was passed by the PA State Legislature, and signed by the Governor in 2019, a little-noticed amendment was added to the bill before passage. The amendment allows Hunters to enter privately owned lands, posted or not, at any time to retrieve a hunting dog without the knowledge and permission of the landowner.


$22,000  REWARD <click here>

For information leading to the arrest of the person(s) that released the Minks from the STAHL FUR FARM, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.

<Updated Press Release details>




There’s a reason for the decline in Wild Turkeys in Pennsylvania

It is not habitat loss. It’s predation that seems to be the main cause. <click for details>

Fishers <click for details>, reintroduced by the Pennsylvania Game Commission back in 1994-95 in Blair and Bedford counties to reduce the Porcupine population, are widely regarded as the single most serious threat to mature Turkeys.


<click for details>



Support the Traditional Monday Rifle Deer Season Opener

Unified Sportsmen of PA has maintained a neutral position regarding the controversy of the Saturday versus Monday Deer Rifle Season.
We have reviewed a few polls/surveys, two by USP, and one by the Game and Fisheries committee, as well as heard about other polls/surveys of hunters. The only one that supported the Saturday opener was one the PGC did of a sample of only 2,000 hunters which many of us hunters feel questions were set up to get the answer they wanted. With the overwhelming response of the hunters supporting the traditional Monday opener, USP BODs now come out in support of the Monday Rifle Deer Season.


<Seasons and Bag Limits – click here>


Saturday Deer Opener Failures

After 3 years of the Saturday deer opener, as predicted by all the 2018- 2019 evidence the PGC board ignored, many hunters are still upset and complaining. Some liked it but, the evidence is clear it did little to nothing to increase hunting license sales and did economic damage to many rural businesses.

With that in mind, 3 years in, voices from many hunters that. preferred the time the Monday opener gave are not being conveyed. Hunters need to speak up where it matters…. to the PGC. I know they did not listen before, but that is no reason to hang our heads in defeat, we have the evidence on our side even more so today. The compromise that would bring back that weekend of time to scout, mark trails with trail markers for pre-daylight entry, a few last-minute confirming rifle shots to confirm our guns, the restore the economic demise it caused to rural businesses and first responder fund-raising events, a far more relaxed time frame to prepare and open camps if you camp hunt, and time to experience all the family and friend traditions that are now far too rushed if at all able to be carried out.

The compromise is to bring back the Monday opener and put on the next two Sundays giving two full hunting weekends and a 13-day continuous run of the season. email the commissioners at pgccomments@pa.gov.

Additional Saturday opener letters  <Click here> to read more.



Our Constitutional Rights are in serious danger right now.   Whether you want to believe it or not, the current Administration, which some circles say effectively stole the election and now there is a serious concern. Will we ever see a legitimate election? Unless the House of Representatives or Senate stands up for America and its citizens, the United States may be headed toward a Social Communist country – get educated – get involved!


Consider joining: National Rifle Association (NRA) – Gun Owners of America – Firearm Owners Against Crime (FOAC)

We need to protect our rights, and can only hope the US House of Representatives and US Senate protect our rights too.