There is a lot of division of hunters regarding the Saturday versus Monday regular rifle deer season opener. In all the surveys I have seen the majority of hunters oppose the Saturday opener.
I have talked to several hunters and some want Saturday and others want it to go back to Monday. I have also talked to some of the spouses of hunters and they are upset with the Saturday opener and the Sunday hunt because it takes their spouse away from the family for the full weekend.
Below are several letters I have received that were written to legislators and PGC about problems with PGC Commissioners. The writers have given us permission to post:
Randy Santucci
Please open this Lancaster online link and read the article.
If you notice the title doesn’t say hunters are unsure or dislike it says “hates” and that sums up the sentiments of far too many hunters about the Saturday opener. Read Randy’s letter
Commissioners and Director Burhans,
We have known the progression stages of a hunter’s goals, the fifth and sixth stages identify and reinforce the importance of not putting an inordinate amount of emphasis on the opportunity. Read more
Senator Laughlin,
Good morning, I hope you and your family have been well through all this Covid mess. Read more
Randy Santucci paid for an ad on page 11 in the January 21, 2022 issue of Pennsylvania Outdoor News entitled ” FACTS PROVE SATURDAY DEER OPENER DIDN’T WORK” Click here to see that ad.
Wayne Haas
Few Sightings for the kids
Director Burhan’s and Commissioners
At 69 years of age, I deer hunt WMU’s 4D and 2G first and foremost for my grandkids. Read Wayne’s letter.
First and most important – Deer. Read more
Pete Kingsley
I have some serious questions about the current and past three bear hunting seasons in Pennsylvania. Let’s start with a brief history of my personal bear hunting experiences. Read more